Yes, you can participate and attend our group events. However, do note that most people who attend the Group Meditation meetup are already relatively familiar with his meditations. So if you come, do try and be familiar with what to expect during the meeting. We will be playing Dr. Joe's guided meditations (the exact meditations should be mentioned during our registration) so try and be familiar with the meditations that you'll be listening to.
To fully benefit, you may also need to be familiar with various concepts/instructions he mentions often during his meditations, in particular:
1) What he means by "Space"
2) How he does the "Breath"
3) The 7/8 Chakra (Energy Centre) Points.
You can find out more about the above at our Joe Dispenza Meditation Notes page.
The more you're familiar with the meditations being used and the concepts above, the more you can fully benefit.
Having said that, you don't need to be fully familiar with the above. As long as you're OK with trying to follow his instructions during the guided meditations, you can still benefit from it. We're all learning still and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during the meeting.
Yes, all our events are free as long as we don't need to pay for the space. However, if you've been blessed by the events and the community and want to donate some money to help grow the community, you can also do so. The donations will be used for the growth of this community and for future events.
If you want to donate, you can PayNow +65 8950 5257 or use the QR code below. In every event, there will also be a donation box and QR Code on the table.

We normally do about 2 meditations of about 40 minutes to 80 minutes each (with breaks in between of course) during the event. While this can be long to some, it's so much easier to meditate when you're with 30+ other people. The energy in the room when you meditate with others makes it so much easier and better than meditating alone. It's also an opportunity to challenge and discipline yourself to meditate for a long time.
Having said that, if you can't last that long and you need to get up and walk around, you are free to do so. Just do so as discreetly as possible without disturbing those around you. But trust me, you'd be surprised at how easy it'll be last through the whole meditation 🙂
We try to have it once every 2 weeks – on a Sunday morning. We also have our Social Potluck Dinners every 3 to 4 months and our 8-hr Meditation Marathon events once every few months. Most of the time we also have ongoing Book Discussion Clubs (both Face-To-Face and Online). Our events schedule can be found here: Dr. Joe Dispenza Singapore Meditation Events Schedule.
Currently, we only meet on Sundays 9am to 12pm for our regular fortnightly face-to-face Group Meditation events. Sometimes, however, we may meet on a Saturday if we can't get a free room on Sunday. Also, we have other regular events on other days - e.g. our Book Discussion Club and every few months we try to organize a Walking Meditation / Potluck Dinner on Saturday evenings.
Yes, definitely! The more people involved, the better. Our group is not-for-profit so we appreciate all the help we can get. We do all this to serve each other and others. While we're a small group currently, we hope to grow it so more people in Singapore can be transformed by face-to-face group meditations - from Dr. Joe Dispenza and others.
Here are some opportunities to volunteer: You could also contact us (click here) if you'd like to help.
If you've been blessed by the events and the community and want to donate some money to help grow the community, you can also do so. The donations will be used for the growth of this community and for future events.
If you want to donate, you can PayNow +65 8950 5257 or use the QR code below. In every event, there will also be a donation box and QR Code on the table.

As of this moment, our regular group meditations revolve around Dr. Joe Dispenza's guided meditations. We normally do 2 long Joe Dispenza meditations and then sometimes we may either do another form of meditation or have someone sharing from another tradition or stream. However, we're not affiliated with his organization in any way. The only reason why we have chosen to focus on Dr. Joe Dispenza's Teachings and Meditations for now is that they are popular, science-based, very organized and structured and thus extremely user-friendly. What he teaches isn't exactly unique nor is it the only way to meditate and transform one's life. However, it has helped many, many people all around the world and having a focus helps to bring people together. Also his meditations are "guided" so it's easy for the whole group to follow.
However, most of our members have benefitted from a lot of other people's teachings, various spiritual practices and other traditions and types of meditation and ways to transform oneself: Neville Goddard, Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Buddhist Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Mindfulness, Vipassana, various types of Yoga, Heartfulness Meditation, Silva Method, Gateway Process, Thetahealing, Bodytalk, Self-Inquiry, Headless Way, Diamond Approach, Mooji, Power of 8, Fire Kasina, Darkness Retreat, EFT, EMDR, Sedona Method, Ho'oponopono, Psychedelics, etc. The list goes on...
We do not believe that there's only one best path to transformation, healing, manifestation or mystical experiences and we certainly do not believe Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings and meditations are the best or only way. A lot of times, among ourselves we often discuss the pros and cons of various traditions, methods and modalities - and also share from our own experiences, which may differ from person to person. Ultimately, we do believe a lot of the various streams and spiritual traditions are very complementary to each other.
Ultimately, we are all here to transform ourselves and make this world a better place and there are various ways to do so - and most of us would believe that the various streams and spiritual traditions are pretty much all complementary. Dr. Joe Dispenza's work happens to be very scientific, non-religious and user-friendly and that's why it's attracted so many people.
We do not follow any "spiritual guru" as a group, nor are we here to promote any religion. None of the organizers are "spiritual gurus" - we are just volunteers and normal people. Also, we are not affiliated with Dr. Joe Dispenza's organization.
Even though we do like and appreciate Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings and meditations, most of us do not consider Dr. Joe Dispenza a "spiritual guru" in the traditional sense. His work blends science and spirituality and focuses on transformation and change. His works have become very popular because he's tried to bring science into everything and appeal to a more mainstream audience.
We are all in this community for encouragement, sharing, learning and transformation. Individually, each may have their own religious or spiritual beliefs, but none is promoted over others in this group.
No, we are not affiliated in any way. We are just a community in Singapore who love his teachings and meditations.
You can contact us (click here) to chat more. We are not-for-profit and our main goal is to bless and encourage each other on our journey of transformation - and also to spread this message and practice of transformation through meditation to our friends and other people in Singapore - so that the world can be a better place!
Currently, we are looking for a good central location that can accommodate us as we meditate together as a group.
Please contact us (click here) if you have any other questions.